The Moroccan artisans are considered as true artists of the hand, passionate Masters, and true ‘Mâalam’ who master to perfection all the techniques of their craft, juggling with materials and tools, mastering the work and the transformation of materials, they express themselves with depth and sensitivity giving birth to true artistic creations. There are many expressions of traditional craftsmanship that have even acquired international fame, more than 70 crafts derive from it. Arfenzo will help you discover the know-how of Moroccan craftsmen in several crafts, the most famous and most used, we will mention: leather and leatherwork, carpeting, woodwork, copperwork, trimmings, pottery and ceramic. There are also other more specialized trades, all of which lead to the realization of true masterpieces.


The sense of sharing is anchored in Arfenzo’s values, its platform and networks will be a space for exchange and sharing between professionals and passionates of the craft and decorative arts, including artisans, artists and galleries; a sharing of information on materials, a sharing of news on the national and international craft and a sharing of ideas, experiences, techniques and artistic creations.

The ‘Discovery’ gallery will also be a space of originality and selection of creative products, some for sale, and others will be brought to you just for pleasure.


The artisans are the pillar of the Moroccan handicraft, unfortunately their conditions remain very precarious, evolving in the informal and in a working environment  under developed, which is a threat to the future of the craft and to traditional and cultural heritage.

Recognizing their work and their role as an essential partner, Arfenzo has decided to make a modest involvement through a very symbolic participation, buying selected items of some talented artisans in precarious situation, to encourage them, especially the artisans of the third age, women artisans and young artisans, these purchases will be for resale in the gallery ‘Talent of Artisan’, and whose profit will constitute a mutual aid fund to provide for the professional needs of other artisans in the same conditions, and this, within the framework of their production, by the purchase of materials, equipment or services, to support them in the realization of current orders and seasonal and regular productions, allowing these talented artisans, not to abandon their profession.